Monday, April 13, 2009

Abby’s Gift

“How much money do I have in my bank account, Dad?” The question came from nine-year-old Abby. Her father looked on the computer and replied, “Fifty-one dollars and thirty-four cents.”

“I want to use it all to buy gifts for the kids in Haiti,” Abby declared. After some discussion about money and giving, Abby and her father went shopping. Her gifts of jump ropes, dolls, bottles of bubbles, etc. filled a 50lb. suitcase.

Abby regularly travels to Haiti with her family on medical missions, helping at a clinic run by Mountain Top Ministries. On the last day of clinic, Abby’s suitcase was almost empty. But Abby’s heart was full of joy and satisfaction, for she had given all she had to children who had nothing.

Now you go, give of yourself, and be merciful.

October 2007

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